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(2012년 2월 업데이트)


  1. Jae-Woo Chang, Rabindra Bista, Yong-Ki Kim, Myoung-Seon Song, "Improving Data Confidentiality and Integrity for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.E95-D, No.1, p67-p77.
  2. Jae-Woo Chang, Yong-Ki Kim, "TSC-IRNN:Time- and Space-Constraint In-Route Nearest Neighbor Query Processing Algorithms in Spatial Network Databases," IEICE TRANSACTIONS, Vol.E94D, No.8, p1201-p1209.


  1. Jae-Woo Chang, Rabindra Bista, "Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey," Sensors Vol.10, No.5, p4577-p4601.
  2. Jae-Woo Chang, Young-Chang Kim, "A new distributed grid scheme and k-NN query processing for mobile objects in spatial networks," International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.25, No.3, p1-p17.
  3. Jae-Woo Chang, Nihad Karim, Hyun-Jo Lee, "New travel time prediction algorithms for intelligent transportation systems," Journal of Intellighent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol.26, No.1, p5-p17


  1. Jae-Woo Chang, Jung-Ho Um, "A New Signature-Based Indexing Scheme for Efficient Trjaectory Retrieval in Spatial Networks," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.e92-d, No.6 p1240-p1249.
  2. Jae-Woo Chang, Young-Chang Kim, "A New Similar Trajectory Search Algorithm based on Spatio-Temporal Similarity Measure for Moving Objects in Road Networks," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.e92-d, No.2, p327-332


  1. Jae-Woo Chang, Yong-Ki Kim, and Young-Jin Kim "Parallel High-Dimensional Index Structure Using Cell-Based Filtering for Multimedia Data" LNCS Vol.4331 p781-p790
  2. Jae-Woo Chang, Yong-Ki Kim, Sang-Mi Kim, and Young-Chang Kim "New Query Processing Algorithms for Range and k-NN Search in Spatial Network Database" LNCS Vol.4231 p130-p139
  3. Jae-Woo Chang, and Yong-Ki Kim "Context-Aware Application System for Music Playing Services" LNAI Vol.4253 p76-p83
  4. Jae-Woo Chang, Yong-Ki Kim, and Young-Chang Kim "Fault-Tolerant Cluster Management Tool for Self-managing of Cluster DBMS" LNAI Vol.4251 p1067-p1074.
  5. Jae-Woo Chang, and Yong-Ki Kim "Design and Implementation of Middleware and Context Server for Context-awareness" LNCS Vol.4208 p487-p494.
  6. Jae-Woo Chang, and Young-Chang Kim "FTCM: Fault-Tolerant Management for Cluster-based DBMS" LNCS Vol.4158 p561-p570.
  7. Jae-Woo Chang, and Yong-Ki Kim "A New Context Script Language for Developing Context-aware Application Systems in Ubiquitous Computing" LNCS Vol.4097 p43-p52.
  8. Jae-Woo Chang, Jung-Ho Um, and Wang-Chien Lee "A New Trajectory Indexing Scheme for Moving Objects on Road Networks" LNCS Vol.4042 p291-p294.
  9. Jae-Woo Chang and Tae-Woong Wang "Developing Parallel Cell-Based Filtering Scheme Under Shared-Nothing Cluster-based Architecture" LNCS Vol.4032 p249-p259.
  10. Jae-Woo Chang, and Jung-Ho Um "An Efficient Indexing Scheme for Moving Objects' Trajectories on Road Networks" LNCS Vol.4016 p13-p25.
  11. Jae-Woo Chang, and Yong-Ki Kim "Materialization-based Range and k-Nearest Neighbor Query Processing Algorithms" LNAI Vol.4027 p65-p74.
  12. Jae-Woo Chang, and Yeon-Jung Kim "XML Document Retrieval System Based on Document Structure and Image Content for Digital Museum" LNCS Vol.3842 p107-p111.


  1. Jae-Woo Chang, and Yeon-Jung Kim “XML Document Retrieval for Digital Museum” LNCS Vol.3815 p463-p464.
  2. Jae-Woo Chang, Jung-Ho Um, and Wang-Chien Lee “An Efficient Trajectory Index Structure for Moving Objects in Location-Based Services” LNCS Vol.3762 p1107-p1116.
  3. Jae-Woo Chang “A New Cell-Based Clustering Method for High-Dimensional Data Mining Applications” LNAI Vol.3681 p391-p397.
  4. Jae-Woo Chang, and Young-Chang Kim "Efficient Cluster Management Software Supporting High-Availability for Cluster DBMS" LNCS Vol.3726 p898-p903.
  5. Jae-Woo Chang “Developing an XML Document Retrieval System for a Digital Museum” LNCS Vol.3480  p77-p86.


  1. Choon-Bo Shim, Jae-Woo Chang, and Young-Chang Kim "Trajectory-based Video Retrieval for Multimedia Information Systems" LNCS Vol.3261 p372-p382.
  2. Jea-Woo Chang and Yong-Ki Kim, "An Efficient Clustering Method for High-Dimensional Data Mining"  LNAI Vol.3171 p276-p285.
  3. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, "Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Moving Objects' Trajectories" LNAI Vol.3214 p975-p981.


  1. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, “Design and implementation of a content-based video retrieval  system using moving object's trajectories” LNCS Vol. 2911 p685.
  2. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, “Similar sub-trajectory retrieval for moving objects in spation-temporal databases” LNCS Vol.2798 p308~p322.
  3. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, “A new Similar Trajectory Retrieval Scheme Using k-Warping” LNCS Vol. 2762 p433~p444.
  4. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, “Efficient Similar Trajectory-based Retrieval for Moving Objects in Video Databases” LNCS Vol. 2728.
  5. Jae-Woo Chang “An Efficient Cell-Based Clustering Method for Handling Large, High-Dimensional Data” LNAI Vol. 2637 p295~p309.


  1. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, "Similar Sub-trajectory Retrieval Based on K-Warping Distance Algorithm for Moving Objects in Video Databases", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2555, pp.529. 
  2. Jae-Woo Chang, "CBCM : A Cell-Based Clustering Method for Data Mining Application", Lecture Notes in Computer Science : LNCS, Vol.2419,  pp292-302.
  3. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, "A Spatio-Temporal Representation Scheme Content- and Semantic-Based Video Retrieval on Moving Objects' Trajectories", Lecture Notes in Computer Science : LNCS,Vol.2419, pp52-63. 


  1. Jae-Woo Chang and Kwang-Taek Song, "An Efficient High-Dimensional Index Structure Using Cell Signatures for Similarity Search", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2118 (Second International Conference, WAIM 2001), pp.26-33.
  2. Yeon-Jung Kim and Jae-Woo Chang "Spatial-Match Iconic Image Retrieval with Ranking in Multimedia Databases", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.2118 (Second International Conference, WAIM 2001), pp.3-13.


  1. Choon-Bo Shim and Jae-Woo Chang, "A Spatio-temporal Representation Scheme for Modeling Moving Objects in Video Data", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1961(Advances in Computing Science-ASIAN 2000), Edited by J. He and M. Sato, Springer, pp.104-118.                                                                      
  2. Sung-Geun Han and Jae-Woo Chang, "A New High-dimensional Index Structure Using a Cell-based Filtering Technique", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1884(Current Issues in Databases and Information Systems), Edited by J. Stuller and J. Pokorny, Springer, pp79-92,.
  3. Jeong-Ki Kim and Jae-Woo Chang, "Vertically-partitioned parallel signature file method", Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol 46, pp. 655-673.